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Archive for the ‘Devil in the Details’ Category

As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. If you’ve got a good grasp of the basics, head over here for the nitty gritty.

Hard-Hitting RAM ~ How much memory do I need?

Posted by Nette Flannigan on September 26, 2008

When it comes to RAM, the amount and type you need depends on your computer and your performance expectations. If you’re interesting in boosting the performance of an existing PC, then adding RAM is the way to go. First, let’s recognize that the combination of your hardware and your operating system will limit the amount of RAM you can use. For example, the average new computer running Microsoft Windows Vista will need between .5 GB and 3GB of RAM.

Vista wants to use 1GB of RAM just to manage your software systems, so I would recommend a minimum of 1GB of RAM. Any less than that and you will experience lots of stops and starts in processing. 2GB of RAM is ideal for the average user. Increasing the RAM to 3GB will make your computer seem a lot faster because you’re essentially doubling the amount of memory that your programs can use.

How do I know if I need 2GB of RAM or 3GB?  It depends on two things: (1) The type of programs you want to use and (2) The number of programs you want to run at the same time. First, complex programs that show lots of moving graphics, like video editors and some games, will need more memory to operate than your average document editor (Microsoft Word) or web broswer (Internet Explorer). if you plan to use these complex programs, 3GB of RAM is a must-have. Also, computers use more memory when they have several windows open at one time or are running several programs at once. Keep in mind that programs that are running in the background are still using resources. So, how much RAM do you really need? 2GB for most users, but 3GB is desirable for high-power users.

Hey! I’m an extremely active user. Do I need 4GB of RAM? If you’re running the standard “out-of-the-box” version of Vista (with 32-bit processnig), you probably won’t notice any increase in speed by adding more than 3 GB of RAM because Vista will only recognize about 3GB of RAM. Having 4, 8, 16 or even 99 GB of RAM won’t do you much good if your computer has decided that it’s only going to use 3GB.

I’m using Windows XP. How much RAM should I have?  Windows XP doesn’t require nearly as much RAM as Vista. I would recommend about .5 GB or 512 MB of RAM for XP.

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